Thursday, November 30, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/27/2006 (Consumer Mentality)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Thinking today yet again about how our version of this third degree of civilization has progressed coupled with the brilliance within the idea of commerce/power, then further how that all was amplified with the introduction of technological advance - and I see an aspect that I am unsure as was by design, but is very much accommodated to great extents within it. That being a consumer mentality which is now prominent and has permeated a large percentage of that mechanism itself.

Within those accommodating aspects of that larger mechanism, is also - as has been and still is demonstrated - such forgiveness - that the modern amplified consumer mentality are now without even the most common and basic of insights toward any other decision making beyond that consumer mentality line of thinking.

In so many words, this then puts a semblance of actual control of influence within that dynamic in the hands of those not within it - much less consciously acknowledging it.

i won't immediately say that this is good or bad, as I have pointed out - it is a very versatile mechanism in and of itself - and such, if maintained consistently, could prove a valuable tool in other ways as well - again laughably - in ways those consumers won't ever begin to realize, and even more laughably by their own hand, this actually renders them powerless to the larger choices of others from that outside influence.

Essentially it relegates the dynamic within the consumer populated areas - within that larger mechanism, as entirely reactionary. Even with the easily created illusion of their control through provided (and oft times very limited) choices - which again, are provided from various sources including those foreign (out side) influences.

In one sense, this seems terrifying given the lack of actual decision making within the posturing and provided options, especially if it is that those larger influences care nothing for daily productivity, health and happiness.

It renders even the highest offices of that mechanism (when utilized in such a degree), nothing much more than puppets given to the satisfaction of easily put forward options. Most times options which then fail to be of standards - though are seen and promoted as acceptable because of the illusion itself - though are promoted as even "perfection" and optimum.

11/30/2006 This isn't necessarily in regard to lobby influence and the common understanding of "purse strings" within the effect of government. It is more in the reasoning of that automation I have pointed out - "multiple choice and crib sheets" as opposed to question and answer. "We will just say that something looks good" instead of the various other options.

Another aspect I see of this ploy in the larger sense, is in converting the otherwise properly employed dynamic into a giant suck hole of sorts. This for the purpose of utilizing that blind consumer mentality. Again, to consume while being told that such was their decision.

This consumer mentality isn't a decision making stability - it is want in the moment for many different (and most times easily attained) fulfillment's, and it is nothing like what seems to have been intended with such decision making being placed in the hands of the populous.

It seems that the higher reas of decision making have become similar in that consumer mentality of sale, and bargain. Most likely as simple result of the larger suck hole motion resulting from that consumer mentality. The commercial age could even be used as a term in description.

Again, this isn't necessarily a bad thing given the consistency around it - but it isn't possible to plan beyond (other than from product to product - big sale to big sale)- and further it isn't conducive in such plans when you then consider the various forms of desperation it invokes.

I sit now in a city which is so abundant that it would be entirely impossible to go hungry or unclothed - but, within the large effect of that consumer mentality bent, there is still a substantial amount of desperation which exists.

It would seem that the consumer disposition, through even that modern amplification - has over run the actual idea itself. It is definitely another interesting aspect of our modern version of that third degree of civilization being representative democracy as we know it - and perhaps even just as much as result of that tendency to want of over control as it is from the tendency with/within that consumer mentality alone.

Even within many institutions of higher learning, it has become a consumer atmosphere - people pay a certain amount of money in exchange for an issued status.

This type of disposition seems as though it would be great economic fuel - though, as is obvious - when unchecked and even further, established as a predominant/permeating standard of decision making - it seems to be far less efficient on many levels. The most notably of which being that there is far less actual productivity.

As a further thought - this standard - consumer mentality - of governing from the influence of outside entities entirely, actually would justify the policing of our country as well from those interests. Simply as course of said interests.

I suppose if said influences were as ignorant as most Americans within that consumer mentality - they would have long ago done away with it - but I suspect that they see the profitability at least, in using the existing short sighted ignorance.


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